
Archive for the ‘heart to heart’ Category

hOmeCominG! (by Leaca's Philosophy)

We do not allow our kids to date until they are sixteen, so I was new to this. I wanted to be a pro at the whole sending my daughter off with a boy thing. I was surrounded by pros, all the mothers had done this before. I was the only one who really had never done this. I am kind of grateful for the pros because I would have burst into tears if I would have seen one once of fear in another mothers eyes. Then I would have yanked my little girl out of that limo and drove her to the dance myself.

Kel is my cute little girl but tonight she looked like a beautiful young woman. At one point I was looking at her get into that limo and I thought to myself, “She is not yours, your little girl does not look like that.” I think I have five pictures of the limo driving away. Every few feet as it backed out of the driveway I have another shot in an attempt to freeze time. Silly, I know!

This whole experience reminds me of sending my oldest to kindergarten for the first time. I really wanted to homeschool him after he did not cry at the front door. I read all kinds of cute little articles where the cute little kid cried at the thought of his mother leaving him at this strange new place. Not my kid, my kid was so excited he was gitty. I was so insulted and could not figure out what I had done wrong. I am attached to these kids. I kind of like them and I love being their mom. I am not sure I want to let go, ever!

The funny thing is that the whole time I am having these crazy thoughts, the kids have no clue. They know I love them and these experiences make me want to give them extra hugs and kisses but they think I can handle it. I guess, I can! Thank goodness for blogging!

“Ummmmm….what do we do with these?”
Ummm....what do we do with these? (by Leaca's Philosophy)

Homecoming over the Kenai River.
Prom over the Kenai (by Leaca's Philosophy)
Our friends live on the Kenai and so we had to get pictures of them in the backyard with the Kenai only a few feet away.

“No moms allowed in the limo.”
what are you doing in here? (by Leaca's Philosophy)
Don’t you just love his expression? I think he thought I really was wanting to go. Poor kid.

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